Second half of September and Heading to the Playoff’s

September has been a whirl wind, as I am sure it has been for you as well. I love the seasons changing and the reminder that life continues, despite ourselves.

Oktoberfest in Klamath was a blast! So great to see people coming out and supporting local breweries, bands, food, and just having FUN! The downpour added to the charm of the entire event- I highly recommend it!

I was able to attend and support the Oregon Cattle-PAC. They held their annual fundraiser in Prineville on Thursday the 22nd. It was a great time with great people, food, products, everything! I am excited to be a part of supporting this community and what they stand for.

The next day I attended the Oregon Home Builders Assocation Convention in Bend. Hearing much of the housing issues for the first time- other than what I can see in day-to-day life, was eye opening. The regulations put on products, the supply chain issues, the fuel prices, the workforce problems, all of it- why do we continue to bite the hands that feed us? Supply us with homes? Why do we hurt the businesses that pay taxes, offer jobs, and make this state a better place? – We have to make a change! We have to stand up for these people, businesses!

I don’t have pictures of everything that has been happening, pictures aren’t my forte, but I have been making my rounds. Checking in, staying connected. You, all of you, are important to me. Making your place a place where you have freedom. Restoring local control to our counties, making education a priority, stop overregulating our economy. COMMON SENSE! We are headed there!!! Don’t lose hope, heart, or stamina! We are entering the Playoff’s- the Super Bowl is right around the corner and it’s OUR TIME!!!!!!!! YOU are the key player!! Let’s bring home the WIN!! RED WAVE!!



On the Campaign Trail- August and September

A little update from the trail. Life has been flying by. The past few weeks have been a blur, but the Lord continues to be faithful.

August has been bittersweet. The end of July, we lost my father-in-law in a tragic accident. It's one of those things that no matter how many times you think it through- it just never makes sense... He was the best of men; I truly can't say enough good about him. He was dearly loved and will be even more dearly missed. But we know where he is, and we know we will see him again, and for that I have hope.

Life doesn't stop, even for tragedy, so we kept right on plugging away.

The current name of the game is miles on the car. We went up to Salem and McMinnville for a fast-paced meet and greet with some friendly neighborhood lobbyists. We were also able to do a tour of the Schnitzer Steel Mill, Cascade Steel Mill, in McMinnville. If you ever have a change to go, - go! The mill is incredible! What they are doing there for conservation, production, employee care- it's exemplary.

School started off with a positive anticipation of new things- good things- happening! Our Superintendent, Andy Kovach, has been tireless in his efforts to boost morale, help with behavior issues, and pursue academics. He and his team have been instrumental in putting together structure and procedure, implementing new grading policies (A-F), and increasing our staff to make this happen. Education is key to our future success; these are our future leaders- and this is an area that I will be working toward continuing to hold accountable.

I was blessed to go to the dedication of the Butte Falls Forest. To see what this community has been able to accomplish with the help of several partnerships in the state!!- I hope it becomes a model of what other communities are able to do. This is a logging town and I have no doubt this will be one of the most managed, thriving, beautiful forests we will have in the state. Great job Butte Falls and ALL who contributed to making it happen!

The last few weeks have been filled with about 1000 miles of road time, leadership books on tape, meeting and speaking with constituents, fundraisers, campaign events, phone calls, and much more. I was able to attend a Republican Caucus meeting in Salem that provided multiple examples of ways that we can take back this state. There is a plan, hope, strategy, work, that is going into making this happen! BUT it takes a village, and we are all a part of it!!! I want to encourage you; YOU make the difference! Please- call people, knock on doors, get involved, donate to campaigns if you're able- this is the time to make the change- whether you want to be or not- you're in it!

Overall, I am so grateful for the experience. I am learning more than I ever thought I would ever know. I am meeting people that blow me away with their wisdom, knowledge, and grace. I am becoming part of a team that I am honored to be a part of. Hope is on the horizon!!

Many blessings to you and yours!


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Oregon Business and Industry Tour featuring NIC

Wednesday, August 10th, I was invited along with many others, to tour a hidden gem in our very own White City. NIC is a 70-million-dollar a year business that creates Cerakote. Cerakote is a ceramic coating that is virtually indestructible. It is coated on brands like TESLA, Smith & Wesson, Oakley, intel, zipline, STARLINK, and the list goes on! NIC soon realized that it wasn't able to produce by hand the quantity requested by the public and worked to solve its own problem by creating a robotics program. With state-of-the-art technology and coding, NIC is able to, in real time, be working with distributors around the world, including Japan, Australia, Germany, The United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Columbia. NIC also partners with Walmart to provide this amazing product at home including Cerakote Headlight Restoration & Cerakote Trim Coat. There is also a new Rapid Ceramic Paint Sealant soon to be released, with a website full of videos to be sure your home application is successful.

Not only does the beauty of the building and what is inside blow your mind, but NIC is 99% waste free. The byproduct created from the production of Cerakote is used in fertilizer!

Why am I telling you about this amazing company? 1- Because you should know you've got amazing business and industry right in your backyard. They offer competitive wage and production bonuses. To say that this is a company that cares for its employees is an understatement. In every corner of the facility, you can feel the intentionality of what has gone into it. And the 2nd reason- this business which employs over 150 people, is 99% waste free, and reaches out across the world to provide an excellent product - should be celebrated not over regulated. I am here to advocate for business, the life blood of a strong state, and this company gets an A++.

I was honored to be a part of this tour set up by Oregon Business and Industry (OBI). They came down in a ROCKSTAR bus to shine light on how amazing the people in our state are. This is how we stimulate our economy, through business and industry. I look forward to the opportunity to advocate and support not only NIC but OBI as they work to support this state.

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Politicking at the Klamath County Fair

Let me just start by saying, I am not a politician. To those of you who stopped at the booth, I am so grateful and honored that you would take the time to share with me your thoughts and concerns. If Lord willing, I am elected, YOU will be my boss. And I will do everything in my power to advocate for your rights and freedoms in this state.

This week/weekend was full of adventures for me, mostly good, but also hard. Klamath County, I have found, is like a huge family. Each person is connected in a way that I really just can’t explain, you have to experience it. Where we all, well almost all of us, could agree, is that we need a change. The concern for the future of our state is paramount in many minds. Our businesses, children, jobs, future, it all feels unstable at the moment with everything coming down the pike. I feel it, you feel it, we all feel it. Something needs to change. But with these conversations came conversations of hope. People are seeing it, and they are ready to do something! So, there we were, hollering out (nicely)- “Are you registered to vote?” If that didn’t draw them in our sign saying “Free Stuff Come See” certainly did:) There was the excitement of registering a first-time voter, helping those who wanted to change parties, or helping a non-affiliated voter choose a party; we saw and experienced it all. It was incredible.

There is hope for this great state. As I explained it to the littles that came by for the candy- Oregon is like its own nation, and we are voting for the President of Oregon in November, along with all the other people that make all the rules. If you haven’t liked the current rules, well then, we need to vote for the opposite party to change those rules.  And then I’d ask their age. We’d count the years till they would be able to vote! It was exciting!!

I say this all to energize you! WE CAN DO THIS! We can turn this state RED! But it takes ALL of us! Working together, getting our ballots in and making sure everyone around us does as well. Host a voting party- give me a call when you do! Let take this state by storm and make it great again!